The project “Living Diversity in Germany and Israel” aims at developing a German-Israeli educational network of organizations and professionals of non-formal education who take a stand for a socially equal cooperation and against exclusion and discrimination in youth work and exchange projects. It was developed by ConAct – Coordination Center German-Israeli Youth Exchange as well as supported through the Israeli Youth Exchange Authority in the frame of the German federal program “Live Democracy!”. The project aims to increase the awareness of the existing diversity in young people’s lives and learning in Germany and Israel. Moreover, the project wishes to actively deepen and foster the consciousness of and acting for democratic values.
© All images by ConAct or ConAct/Ruthe Zuntz
In 2017, these aims have been accomplished through a variety of events. A professional forum in Berlin allowed for exchange and networking for a range of experts in politics, science, youth work and education. Crucial discourses, questions and preliminary answers were compiled in a midterm-reflection on the project.
During the course of the year, three bilateral seminars for German and Israeli professionals provided a varied range of training and networking opportunities: In September in Leipzig, at the beginning of November in Mainz and most recently at the end of November in Haifa, professionals from both countries dealt with different methods, approaches and projects of diversity-conscious education in Germany and Israel. Nearly 200 experts from both countries took part in these events.
For 2018, the project will focus on the migration societies in Germany and Israel: What does the diversity of different migration stories of young people and their families mean for the concept and encounter of young people from Germany and Israel? How can the different cultural, religious and national identities of the younger generations be taken even more into account while countering biases and anti-Semitism? Educators and experts of youth exchange will be exploring these issues at various events and establishing new project partnerships for encounter programs.
The project “Living Diversity in Germany and Israel” is implemented by ConAct – Coordination Center German-Israeli Youth Exchange in cooperation with the Israel Youth Exchange Authority. It is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth through the German federal program “Live Democracy!” as well as through support from the Israeli Youth Exchange Authority. The project is running from 2015 to 2019.