German-Israeli Youth Exchange – Encounters of Young People in Migration Societies

Bilateral seminar to discuss and plan pilot projects

Young people in Germany and Israel have diverse cultural, religious and national identities. Many of them come from families with a history of migration. It often happens that young people have experienced immigration to Israel or Germany themselves. How do we further develop German-Israeli youth exchange to meet this reality adequately? How can we value the diversity of personal and collective narratives – whilst taking into account the historically significant subject of National Socialism and Shoah?

ConAct and the Israel Youth Exchange Authority invite German and Israeli professionals to face those and further questions in a joint discussion. The bilateral seminar shall not only open a space for debates, but serves as a platform to plan a series of cooperation projects in German-Israeli youth exchange that lay the focus on the participation of young people with migration history.

Date: May 27 to 30, 2018

Place: Berlin/Germany

Target group: Professionals of German-Israeli exchange and educational work with interest for or experience in the abovementioned subject

Seminar language: The seminar will be conducted in English.

Participation fee: The participation fee for German participants will be 50 Euro. Travel costs (German Railway, 2nd class) can be reimbursed. For public servants in Germany different provisions apply: participation fee is waived, all other costs have to be borne by themselves or the employer. The participation fee for Israeli participants will consist of a co-payment to cover the flight costs. All costs for program, board and lodging are covered hereby.

Program: The planned program can be found here.

Registration: Please register until April 29, 2018 through this registration form.


The project “Living Diversity in Germany and Israel” is implemented by ConAct – Coordination Center German-Israeli Youth Exchange in cooperation with the Israel Youth Exchange Authority. It is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth through the German federal program “Live Democracy!” as well as through support from the Israeli Youth Exchange Authority. The project is running from 2015 to 2019.

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