While our societies change and become increasingly diverse, there is a rising awareness that we need to face the challenges that come along with it. Given the demand for educational tools and methods it is not surprising that the educational landscape offers more and more opportunities to gain knowledge on diversity-conscious education.
Hereafter you will find a sample of seminars and trainings that will take place in Germany in the following months. Please note that most of the information is given in German. If you know about other relevant seminars to take place in Germany or Israel, feel free to share them with us or leave a comment below the post. Thank you very much!
2. bis 13. August 2017, Gustav-Stresemann-Institut in Bad Bevensen
What keeps societies together. Diversity, democracy and dialogue in times of migration. (Mit Gruppen aus Deutschland, Polen, Litauen und Nordirland)
8. und 9. September 2017, Eine Welt der Vielfalt e.V. in Berlin
Diversity-Grundlagentraining von EINE WELT DER VIELFALT
11. bis 15. September 2017, ConAct seminar in Leipzig
“Living Diversity in Education”. Professional seminar on diversity-conscious educational approaches in Germany and Israel
13. bis 15. Oktober 2017, Naturfreundehaus Hannover
IDA-Workshop Diversität: „Ist doch normal, oder?“ – Diversitätsbewusstsein in Einrichtungen der Jugend(bildungs-)arbeit entwickeln und verankern
2017–2018, Fachhochschule Potsdam und Institut “Social Justice und Diversity” in Potsdam
Social Justice und Diversity Training. Ein diskriminierungskritisches Bildungskonzept zugunsten von Inklusion, Teilhabe und Partizipation
2017–2018, Eine Welt der Vielfalt e.V. in Berlin
Ausbildung zum_zur Diversity-Trainer_in für das EINE WELT DER VIELFALT-Programm
![233_Fachtag_LivDiv -® Zuntz](https://living-diversity.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/233_fachtag_livdiv-c2ae-zuntz.jpg)