Living Diversity in Education

Professional seminar on diversity-conscious educational approaches in Germany and Israel

The social awareness for individual differences and characteristics will only be widespread, when the educational work goes hand by hand with diversity-conscious methods and approaches.

As part of the ongoing project “Living Diversity in Germany and Israel – Challenges and Perspectives for Education and Youth Exchange” ConAct is offering a bilateral professional seminar in Leipzig. This seminar will provide a comparative insight into various established approaches of diversity-conscious education, including the ones which deal mainly with democracy education and anti-discrimination work.
In the three main sessions of the seminar, the participants will be introduced intensively to the concepts of Anti-Bias, Social Justice and Betzavta / More Than One Democracy and will have the chance to test selected methods of these approaches.

A broad range of topics from the spectrum of diversity-conscious education will be tackled in this seminar: intersectional approaches of dealing with different forms of discrimination, democratic processes and decisions in diverse societies, confrontation with social conflicts as well as empowerment of marginalized groups, to name only a few.

Anti-Bias trainer Žaklina Mamutovič © ConAct/Ruthe Zuntz

September 11–15, 2017

In Leipzig, Germany: Seminar and accommodation will be at the Lindner Hotel Leipzig, Hans-Driesch-Str. 27, 04179 Leipzig. The venue is accessible for participants with limited physical mobility or participants on wheelchair.

The seminar is addressed at professionals of youth education in Germany and Israel as well as active professionals in German-Israeli youth exchange projects.

Conditions of participation

You can register for this seminar until August 30, 2017.

Participation fee is:

100 Euros for participants from Germany

400 NIS for participants from Israel

and it includes accommodation, full boarding and seminar program.

Participants from Israel will receive a flight reimbursement of 260 Euros. The flight will be reserved by the inviting organizations.

 Participants from Germany can register online here

Participants from Israel can fill in the registration form and send it to

Israel Youth Exchange Authority

Tel. +9723-6969390                Karina[at]

The project “Living Diversity in Germany and Israel” is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth through the German federal program “Live Democracy!” as well as through support from the Israeli Youth Exchange Authority.

We look forward to your applications and participation! Feel free to contact us for further questions.

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